In this article, we will tell you about an AVEL TV that was installed in our customer's home.

Reviews and articles about AVEL TVs
10 Dec 2023
Comment choisir le meilleur téléviseur pour votre cuisine
Toute personne qui s'est occupée de la réparation d'un appartement sait qu'une attention particulière doit être portée à la planification de la cuisine. Cela nécessite de choisir non seulement les matériaux de finition et les meubles, mais aussi les appareils électroménagers, ainsi que de réfléchir à son emplacement idéal.
19 Nov 2023
Wasserdichter Fernseher im Badezimmer - Unterhaltung und Komfort
Haben Sie jemals den Wunsch verspürt, Ihre Lieblingsserie oder eine Fernsehsendung zu beenden, ein Bad zu nehmen oder in einem Whirlpool zu bleiben? Wasserdichte Fernseher von AVEL bieten Ihnen eine solche Möglichkeit.
13 Nov 2023
Premium TVs for the home
Creating a unique interior of your living space is a great way to show your personality.
24 Oct 2023
AVEL's updated in-wall TVs
In this article I would like to tell you what changes our new built-in TVs have undergone.
21 Sep 2023
The durability test of out tempered glass
In this article we would like to tell you about the durability of our tempered glass that comes in every AVEL Smart TV.
21 Sep 2023
Espelho TV Roteiro
Quer comprar uma TV À Prova d'água em seu banheiro ou cozinha? Leia Como escolher e instalar a melhor TV à prova d'água em 2023.
7 Sep 2023
Lo que debe considerar al seleccionar un televisor para el baño
Cualquier persona común y corriente puede adquirir un fantástico televisor para uso en el baño por un precio justo y con todos los protocolos de seguridad. Analicemos lo que debe considerar al buscar un televisor para el baño.
7 Sep 2023
What You Need to Consider When Selecting a Bathroom TV
Any ordinary person can purchase a fantastic TV for bathroom use for a fair price with all the safety protocols. Let’s discuss what you should consider when looking for a bathroom TV.
5 Sep 2023
TV above the fireplace
Fireplace looks delightful and keeps your house cozy. However, many prefer to put their television above the fireplace for the convenience purposes.
4 Aug 2023
Built-in Smart TV for Kitchen AVS240WS
AVS240WS will be an excellent addition to your kitchen interior providing you with reliability, convenience, ease-of-use and great picture quality!
12 Jul 2023
Come scegliere una TV adatta per il bagno?
Una TV in bagno poteva sembrare un dispositivo insolito qualche anno fa, ma ora ha conquistato con sicurezza l'amore dei clienti. Che tipo di modello TV è adatto per il bagno e come scegliere quello migliore per te, te lo diremo in questo articolo.
11 Jul 2023
Waterproof pool TV – entertainment and convenience
Have you ever experienced the desire of finishing watching your favorite series or a TV show, taking bath or staying in a jacuzzi? AVEL waterproof TVs give you such a possibility.
4 Jul 2023
TV for shower
Waterproof AVEL TVs are designed taking into account all the features of operation near water, so they can be safely installed in the shower.
7 Jun 2023
Overview of Kitchen TV
In a new article, we will look at the features of AVEL TVs and give a rating of the most popular devices of our production.